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Leukotape K

Mommsen,H.:Leukotape K
Autor: Hauke Mommsen / Klaus Eder / Uwe Brandenburg
Verfügbarkeit: Auf Lager.
Veröffentlicht am: 03.01.2011
Artikelnummer: 1061036
ISBN / EAN: 9783941964037

Verfügbarkeit: sofort lieferbar

49,90 €
Inkl. MwSt. , zzgl. Versandkosten

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Kinesiological taping as performed in the Far East has established itself as a therapeutic method in Germany and Europe. Taping is a surface therapy because of it s effects on the surface of the skin. It complements and supports other methods such as massage, physical therapy, manual therapy, lymph drainage, and some forms of neurological therapy.§Kinesiological taping can act preventively as well as therapeutically and can also be employed in the rehabilitative setting. It focuses especially on sensation and mobilization, making it optimally suited especially for sports medicine. §It is possible to exert stimulating or detoning effects on muscles and joints as well as the lymphatic and nervous systems by means of special application of elastic tape bandages. Taping thereby activates and supports the body s own healing processes.§This book explains all aspects of kinesiological taping from the history of taping to aftercare. Numerous illustrations allow various application techniques and individual steps of taping to be easily understood.

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